Sarah Wilkerson

Sarah Wilkerson's work explores the liminal spaces where shadows greet light and stories linger just beneath the surface. Her images are an exploration of life, self, and imagined narratives that thrive on the tension between visibility and obscurity, presence and absence, mystery and meaning. Inspired by Hitchcock, guided by cinematography, and driven by the fluidity of color and light, she does not aim to resolve the ambiguities she presents; instead, she seeks to compose visuals that foster a dialogue between the image and the observer, leaving ample space for personal connection, interpretation, and curiosity.
A graduate of Duke University and Texas Law, Sarah is also the author of Capture the Moment (Penguin Random House) and has spent the last decade studying and teaching photographers about composition and creativity using a multidisciplinary approach that draws upon storytelling, psychology, and traditional artistic principles. As a lifelong dilettante, she can be found endlessly chasing rabbit trails, asking questions, making lists, or burning the midnight oil to work on her project of the moment. She lives in North Carolina with her Army JAG husband, four children, and three dogs.